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Looking to hack on Linea and win some bounties? Here's the page where you can find all the information you need to know to get started!

All winners have the opportunity to bring their project to fruition through a variety of Consensys programs:

  • Linea Ecosystem Investment Alliance
  • MetaMask Grants DAO
  • Consensys Scale program
  • Linea Builders Club

And be featured on X, Linea Farcaster, and livestreams!


Join the Linea Builders Club to get exclusive access to tech talks, events, the Linea team, and more!

Join the Consensys Developer Chat for IRL hackathons and get connected with the MetaMask, Phosphor, and Verax teams!

The Linea Dev Cook-Off

Create, Iterate, and Innovate! 🐸

Every month, Linea will host a mini, online buildathon to celebrate and reward continuous hacking! We will have a 1 ETH pool prize distributed to qualified projects.

You can create a new project, iterate on an ongoing one, or revive and refresh that old side project you've been wanting to get back to.

That means you don't need to start from scratch! The only requirement is that you're building with Linea, made progress on your project in the current month, and you've posted about your project on social (and included a frog somewhere)!

This is a great opportunity to win some small prizes alongside your regular building, improve on past hackathon projects, and get exposure to the Linea team and community!

Literally, win cool prizes for just shipping.

Just ship my dudes

Things to note

  • You can submit on behalf of a formal organization (profit-seeking company or DAO), but priority will be given to independent hackers
  • You can make multiple submissions
  • You can use old code!
  • Bonus points for adding a frog somewhere in your submission 😉 🐸
  • Bonus points will be awarded to projects that incorporate the partner tooling found here

Examples of acceptable work

  • Flappy bird, but with frogs 🐸 and on-chain
  • A step-by-step, published tutorial on how to build a (maybe frog-themed 🐸) dapp on Linea
  • A translated guide on how to build on Linea
  • A published video explainer on how to build with Linea or Linea concepts
  • Improving the UI of a hackathon project you built before

Judging criteria

  • Functionality and technicality - How complete and complex is the project?
  • Really great UX - How easy is it for a new user to navigate or how easy it is to follow the tutorial?
  • Originality - How original and innovative is the project? Is it pushing the boundaries of on-chain use cases?
  • Goshdarnit this is cool - A catch-all vibe check for projects that are simply fun to interact with

What counts as a qualifying submission

If you're submitting a dapp or Farcaster frame...

  • Open source, public Github repo
  • Non-trivial progress made on your project during that month (as measured by your Github commit history)
  • Verified smart contract deployed on Linea Sepolia
  • Working product demo link
  • Short video explainer (less than 5 minutes) of what your project is and what changes you made that month if it is not a new project
  • Posted and tagged on Twitter (@lineabuild) or Farcaster (@linea)

If you're submitting a tutorial...

  • Open source, public Github repo
  • Published tutorial link
  • Non-trivial progress made on your project during that month (as measured by your Github commit history)
  • Bonus points for publishing an accompanying video explainer
  • Posted and tagged on Twitter (@lineabuild) or Farcaster (@linea)

Ultimately, a "high-quality" submission is quite subjective, but you can imagine invalid submissions as something like unusable demos, projects that are simply slightly modified clones of other projects, and otherwise scrapped together hacks that took little to no effort to put together.

How to submit

Please register for the current month's hackathon!

April 2024 (1 ETH pool prize + $1000 USD efrog pool prize) 🐸

This month, you can win both the 1 ETH pool prize in addition to extra prize money from the efrog community.

Register here:

Submissions due 11:59PM EST, April 30, 2024

1 ETH pool prize

We'll be distributing 1 ETH amongst the top qualified projects. This can take the form of 2 outstanding projects receiving 0.5 ETH each, 10 projects receiving 0.1 ETH each, or, in the case that no submissions meet our quality bar, no ETH being distributed for that month.

$1000 USD efrog pool prize

efrog is the OG PFP collection on Linea. Launched on world frog day on March 20, 2024, the community has grown tremendously, forming partnerships amongst other dapps in the Linea ecosystem, finding new opportunities to expanding positive vibes in the Linea pond, and getting an exclusive channel right in the Linea Discord!

For our this inaugural Linea Dev Cook-Off, efrogs is joining us to sponsor an additional $1000 in prizes to any project that incorporates efrogs in some form. Judging will favor projects that actually incorporate the efrog smart contract, but using the image assets is sufficient to qualify as well!

You can find frog ideas and connect with the community and founders in their Discord.

The efrog NFT contract address is 0x194395587d7b169E63eaf251E86B1892fA8f1960.

You can find the efrogs marketplace here.

IRL hackathons

Look forward to finding us at:

  • EthGlobal Brussels
  • EthGlobal Singapore
  • EthGlobal Bangkok